"Set kompyuternih klinik" is a federal-scale project for warranty and post-warranty service of wide range of PC equipment

Awarded leader of the service market in Russia. The project has already over 10+ years of successful experience.
It was founded in 2007 on the base of the largest PC equipment wide-range distributor MERLION which has over 400 direct contracts and over 920 brands in its portfolio.
Become a part of our mutual success too!

Our advantages


Recognizable Brand on the Service market


Authorized service centers are located throughout and cover every region in Russia, from Kaliningrad to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk cities


Unified high standards of quality, service level and recognizable branding in all branches


Continuous improvement of the quality of services: annual audit of service centers, customer satisfaction surveys

Marketing and services

Authorizations and competencies from the world's leading manufacturers of PC business equipment

A full range of services for customers and manufacturers of PC equipment for warranty and post-warranty repair

Joint marketing programs and projects with the vendors

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Выберите клинику

Компьютерная клиника № 595

ул. Маршала --- Рыбалко, д. 84А

8 (342) 282-73-49; 250-65-06; 271-29-88
[{"alias":"595","phone":"8 (342) 282-73-49; 250-65-06; 271-29-88","address":"\u0443\u043b. \u041c\u0430\u0440\u0448\u0430\u043b\u0430 --- \u0420\u044b\u0431\u0430\u043b\u043a\u043e, \u0434. 84\u0410","id":"176","xcoord":"55.962500","ycoord":"58.007961"}]

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